Sunday, July 26, 2009

from the day I was born until the day I die

"If you meet a buddha, kill the buddha. If you meet a patriarch, kill the patriarch. If you meet an arhat, kill the arhat. If you meet your parents, kill your parents. If you meet your kinfolk, kill your kinfolk. Then for the first time you will gain emancipation, will not be entangled with things, will pass freely anywhere you wish to go."

-Linji Yixuan

(I first came across the quote in the Saiyuki manga. Then, I realised how true the meaning is. Doesn't mean that I can apply it that easily though, unfortunately.)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Flight of the Conchords; Think About It

Children on the streets using guns and knives
Taking drugs and each others’ lives
Killing each other using knives and forks
And calling each other names like dork

There’s people on the street getting diseases from monkeys
Yeah that’s what I said, they’re getting diseases from monkeys
Why is this happening, please, whose been touching these monkeys
Leave these poor sick monkeys alone
They’re sick, they’ve got problems enough as it is

A man is lying on the street, some punk has chopped off his head
And I’m the only one who stops to see if he’s dead
Turns out he’s dead

That’s why I’m singing, what is wrong with the world today?
What's wrong with the world today, (never said nothing’s wrong with it)
What is wrong with the world today?
Think about it, think about it, think, think about it

Good cops get framed and put into a can
And all the money that we’re making is going to the man
What man, whose the man, when’s a man a man, why’s it so hard to be a man
Am I a man? Yes, technically, yes

Oohh come on, they’re turning kids into slaves
They’re turning kids into slaves just to make cheaper sneakers
But what’s the real cost, ‘cause the sneakers don’t seem that much cheaper
Why are we still paying so much for sneakers when you got little kid slaves making them
What are you overhead?

Well, at the end of your life, you are lucky if you die
Sometimes I wonder why we even try
I saw a man lying on the street half dead
He had knives and forks sticking out of his leg
He said, Ahh ahh ahh ahhhhhhhh oooow
Can somebody get the knife and fork out of my leg please
Could somebody please remove these cutleries from my knees

Yeah yeeeahhh, this is where we break it down
This is where we break it down
We’ll break it down
What are they doing, their breaking it down
What do they do, and now their keeping it funky
Just having a funky jam and then we’re going to drop the beat

And then we’ll bring it back upThen we’ll take it low
We’re talking about the issues, but we’re keeping it funky, yeah
We’re fading out, just fading out
Why they getting quiet, they’re just fading out

(*monkey noises*
Stop touching that monkey)

I think I'm in love with this band, their lyrics are so hilarious. Absolutely awesome, I say!
"What man, whose the man, when's a man a man, why's it so hard to be a man? Am I a man? Yes, technically, yes."

AND "Would somebody please remove these cutleries from my knees?"

AND the rest of the whole song. And their other songs. yeah.)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I wanna take you to a gay bar!

Title = song lyrics from Gay Bar by Electric Six. I died laughing at their PV, it's so...

Indian Court Overturns Gay Sex Ban

"In their decision, Chief Justice A. P. Shah and Justice S. Muralidhar declared Section 377, as it pertains to consensual sex among people above the age of 18, in violation of important parts of India’s Constitution. “Consensual sex amongst adults is legal, which includes even gay sex and sex among the same sexes,” they said.

The old law violates Article 14 of the Constitution, which guarantees all people “equality before the law;” Article 15, which prohibits discrimination “on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth;” and Article 21, which guarantees “protection of life and personal liberty,” the judges said."

Dear Singapore:
What exactly are you doing? You, 'modern' Singapore?

[I strongly believe that all Man should be equal, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexuality and what-have-you. As such, there shouldn't be such a thing called "second class citizens", or discrimination against all of these groups. This isn't just a General Paper statement to sound good on essays. It is because to me, no one should dictate another person's life; it just makes you self-conceited and ignorant. What gives such people the notion that they know better, I never know.

The psychological impact of being told that you're 'inferior' or 'wrong' is much deeper than some assume. (I'd say even I cannot fanthom the anguish these people go through due to the absence of acceptance, as I have not experienced it myself) Which is probably why I feel so much for the subject. Or maybe I just feel strongly against egoism, biogotry, and basically the holier-than-thou attitude.]


(er, 'tldr;' means 'too long, didn't read')