Monday, March 16, 2009

The wind that fiercely whirls about, the shower that washes away everything

There's something about impending storms. Simmering feelings, undefined under my chest close to my heart. I don't know what it is. But it's that feeling you get when the blocked light turns everything a shade of gloomy yellow, and if you raise your hand you touch the ceiling of the sky. You can pull down a cloud you know.

It's standing in a high place that does the trick. You're on top of the world, and everything is spread bare before you. The rain rolls in like a heavy curtain, and it hurts because it's in torrents. It's the gale that makes you feel small, makes you feel like you could be blown away, ashes to the wind. And it makes you feel invincible, back straight, standing against the end of the world.

I have loved the rain since forever. But what I found out was that I loved seeing the thunder storm brewing and rushing towards me just as much. That calm before the storm. It's addictive.

It's being unable to see 6 feet in front of you. It's hearing the water drum a symphony, the crack of lighting and the low snarl of thunder. It's hearing the wind whistle through that gap in the windows.

It's seeing the aftermath, the swelled banks, the crooked (broken) trees, the drowned sidewalks. And the smell of after rain, and the smoke of the city that never goes away anyway.

And I think: this is when I'm most alive.

I think: It's the end of the world, and no one can stop me.

A/N: I find the whole process of rain a beautiful, beautiful thing. And it's been POURING over here (actually, today the rain's lighter). But weather forecasts says that it won't stop lololol.

Yesterday was the 'best'. It was pratically a gale, and so many trees got uprooted. caused a jam, that did. and the jurong lake swelled and ate up the chinese garden's banks. i think the trees that toppled by the bank are still half floating.

my dad couldn't get out of the car (he was just coming back) and he said he saw HAIL. DUDE. and at a corner nearby, he saw a tree crack and slam straight onto a car. luckily no one (save the poor chum's car) was injured. And i haven't had to run around mopping up puddles that leaked through the windows for like... a decade. In spite of the damage, i loved every minute of it-- seeing the rain from a distance come closer like a curtain, and the afterwards. then again, i didn't get wet, so i don't know XD

I know rain is an over used imagery (see: angsty love scenes, epic funerals) but have you ever felt like you could throw yourself into the sky and fly anywhere you want whenever there's a storm? It's calming, and somehow i feel empowered.

(yes, yes i know this sounds the same as that road run. But it's the rainy season!)


elki said...

BY THE WAY! I read it (I hope you know what I'm referring to) and I LOVED it so you're forgiven. I hope I could give you a more constructive criticism but I'm rushing for dinner.

Now, it's my turn to APOLOGISE for writing shit hahaha.

Oreos said...

<33333 nay! your's better! lololol I really like the way the paragraphs flow and the imagery of things. There's this feeling there that i can't put my finger on, but i like it XDDD <3

elki said...

No way, I just reread mine and noticed so many errors.. urgh.

You know, the funny thing is, people who don't know what's going on, would have thought that those letters were for me. Hahaha. Here, just look at this:

"For Ommie, I’m such a slow bastard./ Basically, I wished that you loved me..."


Oreos said...

if you want~ 8DDDDD


my love knows no boundries! *shot*