Sunday, October 12, 2008

F.O.O.D. :D

09 October, Thursday (this is for posterity).

Lost 3-0 to another class in Captain's ball during ACgames, haha. We actually didn't have enough classmates to play(seeing that... there were 6 of us left in school?). But well, to paraphrase Victor, at least we tried. DX

Later i went for a BEAUTIFUL dinner at Waraku at Clark Quay with Canida, Dawn, Xinhua and Ting. The bowls were so ginormous we were shocked. Then we wandered around and ended up in TCC for coffee, AT NIGHT. Apparently coffee has no real effect whatsoever on us. Mmmmmm must go back there again; i <3 coffee (although i cheated and got frappe instead of espresso).

Xinhua's blog with picutres of our dinner: Xinhua the camera ninja! 8D

On a side note, i must lament, why does everybody like Twilight?! What is so appealing about it!? Is it the vampire likes sucking necks thing? Or the emo-love-plot? Or it having just about every inner-fantasy possible? I DON'T UNDERSTAND D: *proceeds to run away from getting shot at by Twilight!fandom*

Finally, ARGH school tomorrow ;_;. (and promos results maybe. i don't want to be retained nooooooooo)

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