Saturday, March 6, 2010

And I was like "ARE YOU SURE THAT'S ME?!"

5As. (okay plus Project Work, which doesn't really count but I don't care)

I... never in my wildest imaginings. Okay, I've dreamt of getting an A or two, but... I also thought it'd be just that- a dream. I still can't really believe it.

And suddenly, it's like roads that I never thought I would (could) take show up from the tall grass. It's as if I can tread wherever my feet can take me; I don't feel bound.

It's more than enough. I feel like I could take the world now.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Look, is there anyway to get a refund for product '2010'?

It's a tad late, but I'm older now. As in a year, not seconds- despite the propensity to say the most obvious things, this is not one of them. On second thought, maybe it is. Also. my braces are on the verge of being removed which makes me happy to no end (unless I'm told to wait again at which I will pound the floor and weep).

Back to the main topic, I had a marvelous birthday, mainly involving food (a dinner at Mandai Orchard Garden, a lunch at a Japanese restaurant in Somerset). Really good food. And cake!
Summary: Perfect.
Also included: Being Older angst (19 is getting a tad much), Wondering-what-the-hell-I'm-going-to-do-in-life angst, presents, glee at presents, plotting how to murder ommie for pulling birthday prank (just you wait), A level jitters therefore more angst, inappropriate jokes, chores, added weight.
Not included: Job. Wisdom or intelligence or skills AKA EXP. Love life.

Hey I'm older, don't I deserve a level up or something?

And this is how you can tell that I am absolutely lost.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Mood whiplash much?

Number of Nightmares of 'A'levels to date: 4


Also, going through your external hard drive to winnow out the rubbish is not fun at all, considering that I have too much saved rubbish in the first place. Added with the fact that I lost my considerably newer files due to my laptop dying on me a few months back and I AM IN DESPAIR.

On the brightside, SHINY NEW PC WITH HUMONGOUS SCREEN! <333333 AND A NEW CAMERA! <333333 This more than makes up for any discomfort I may have actually (read: nightmares and having to clean up harddrive and room-ohgawdROOMohshi-)


Monday, December 21, 2009

looking at it

tumblr kinda looks awesome. I may be just tempted to try it. You know, if I ever blog more.


Also, have been hunting around for good compact cameras. It's not easy when all you get are shitty deals. :| For example, I found out hey, canon is pretty sweet (when the top 5 usage in flickr for point and shoot cameras are all canon models), except for a short battery life for that particular model I can afford (or in this case, dad's, haha) and cue SCREAM-OF-AGONY, especially after spending almost a day on the web trying to compare them, which you can't really do so objectively because more often than not all they blabber about is pure salesman talk kind of stuff.

Was that sentence grammatically correct? Doubt it.

Anyhow, shall try looking around some more. Hope that they sell older models too, read that the Canon SD1100 is good (and it can't be that old, I thought last year's stuff isn't old?) Or maybe I should use my own money and ignore the deals.

Decisions, decisions, ASDFGHJKL;

Oh, and I'm finally going to learn driving! After I pass my theory first, that is.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hey Ommie

thought you might like this

Friday, September 25, 2009

The 'bliss' of ignorance

ignorance; the state of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed

The thing is, the more I learn about the history of men, the more misanthropic I feel.

Bloody Cold War. Bloody Pol pot.